недеља, 9. август 2020.

ON BREAD and WATER - Dragan Veličković / prevod i prepev Biljana Vulin


Silence has been rusting on my windows
my face crushing under shadows
and sick weather
It has been squeezing me inside
and no signs of letting go,
only loneliness takes care of me.
My unwell cold days need nursing by me.
I crucified the cloth,
from branch to branch at night
they have been lied, hosed reality from me,
and they think I liked that, and
may be right.
I don’t talk, just keep quiet,
nothing around me
All my places are gallows
and burned houses
I try to keep pace
with my life
I’m resisting by my fear,
hope and goodness.
With peace of bread and a cup of water,
My fight is for all or nothing.
They have been storming at my foundation,
at all my strongholds,
tearing me to pieces,
stretching and racking me
I could endure the day somehow,
but what would happen with me
when sunset comes.

Dragan Veličković

Prevod i prepev: Bilyana Vulin

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